Saturday, March 24, 2018

Last week I had the sweet opportunity to fly to New York and fly back with Caitlin and our new grandson, Brooks.

Of course, being the ditz I am, I messed up right out of the gate. As I eagerly await to get my hands on my grand baby, Caitlin is waiting patiently in line in security. When she finally makes it up to the security guard, she's told Brooks needs his own boarding pass (even though he flies for free). Caitlin is justifiably exasperated. Didn’t she ask me over and over if she needed to have something for Brooks?  Yes, but I never had to have anything for my babies. Didn’t it occur to me that things may have changed a bit after 911?

Anyway, my ignorance causes us to miss our flight. “Oh well, live and learn,” I sigh.

I would venture to guess “live and learn” might be one of the most despised phrases Caitlin hears that come out of my mouth. She’s had a life time of watching me "live and learn" almost everything the hard way. I add another one of my favorites, “Everything happens for a reason, maybe a deathly ill person was on that first flight.”

She concedes it really is no big deal, she's hungry anyway, we can enjoy a leisurely lunch while we wait for the next flight.

Caitlin is very careful to limit Brooks exposure to germs. Everything and everyone needs to be abundantly sanitized. My poor Caitlin. She not only has to endure me not having it all together, she also needs to watch me like a hawk because I doubt there’s a person on the planet who cares less about germs than I do.

Thankfully, Brooks is oblivious to the mayhem and my unmindfulness of our germ filled world. He takes everything in with his big blue eyes, contentedly cooing and smiling, opening his mouth wide open with glee. I can barely take my eyes off of him, I’m completely smitten. I do have to admit, if I keep my face in his for too long, his smile fades, his bottom lip protrudes and he begins to look like he’s never seen anything more horrifying. Of course as soon as his oh, so beloved mama’s face re-appears he reverts back to his cooing, wiggly, happy self again.

Our return flight to New York goes beautifully. Brooks is just as much of an angel on this flight as he was on his first flight. Unfortunately, in the LaGuardia airport bathroom (of all places!), I drop the tent-like thinga-ma-jigger Caitlin uses for nursing. Horrors! I nervously whisk it up like a scarf out of a magician’s hat and try to convince Caitlin it surely qualifies for the five second rule…heavens, it touched the floor less than one second.

I’m in awe of what a wonderful mother Caitlin is, a natural. How in the world could I have produced such a extraordinary person? Probably years of watching my un-togetherness, made her vow to be nothing like me. 

Bob and I have never been more proud of our Caitlin, and couldn’t be more in love with little Brooks. We are so thankful for our sweet visit and are looking forward to many more.

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