One of the things I’m missing the most about my mom is hearing her laugh. Talk about laughing with abandon! I’ve never met a person who laughed as easily as she did.
Every time I think about the following story, it makes me laugh.
I often complain about the state of our public schools. Horrified that students who can’t even write a complete sentence are getting diplomas. It’s certainly not doing the students any favors.
But do I actually do anything about it? Do I even have any idea who sits on our school board? No. Apparently I’d rather sit in my warm, dry home and belly ache about it.
Not so with my friend Stacey. She does the grunt work. She makes it her business to learn everything about the people running for seats on our board of education. Her efforts convicted me I needed to vote. I asked for a cheat sheet so I’d be sure to vote for those who uphold the same values I hold so dearly.
I gave my mom the same cheat sheet, and begged her to vote as well. It was five years ago and her illness had already progressed to the point where it was a real feat for her to go anywhere. But, by golly, she did it.
The cheat sheet turned out to be useless. Though she lived in Canton township, it was Van Buren schools.
She said when she entered the room it was completely empty save for the poll watchers. They were jubilant to see her! Turned out she was the only voter who showed up that day, but she was living proof that there were still people out there who cared.
“But, you didn’t actually vote did you?”
“Of course I did,“ she replied. ”I couldn't possibly disappoint those people after the overly warm reception they gave me.”
“Well, who in the world did you vote for?”
“I have no idea, I just picked some names I liked and voted for them.”
“Mom! For all you know you could have voted in a child molester!”
The idea that my mom (at my urging) may have been the sole determinant of who is sitting on the board of education in Van Buren township struck us as so funny we laughed until we cried.
Oh, my goodness, did I ever love laughing with her.
Yet another attribute I’m striving to emulate—to laugh easily and often.
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