Friday, November 13, 2009

Our driveway has become somewhat of a demolition derby. For some odd reason, all of us, at some time or another, have backed out of our driveway (at breakneck speed), forgotten that we had visitors, and blasted into their cars. My mom's car has taken the most hits (since she's our most frequent visitor, the odds are stacked against her).

I have to say I was almost glad when Bob eventually joined our team of demolitionists. Once on our way to church, he speedily backed up and slammed into my mom's car. There's nothing quite as disheartening as a few seconds of inattention causing hundreds of dollars of damage. I really hated for him to have to endure that all too familiar sick feeling but at least it allowed him to experience some empathy for the rest of us (which was severely lacking before).

Some months ago, my friend's son, Blake had spent the night and I had to leave for work before anyone else was up. I was running late (how uncharacteristic!) and came flying out of our garage and only noticed Blake's car as I whizzed by it, missing it by mere millimeters. It scared me so bad I couldn't help but cry out, "Oh, thank you Lord!" It was a miracle, there's no other way to explain it. I never peel out of the garage hugging that side of the driveway (a flattened bush on the other side of the driveway attests to this). What a potentially hideous morning God saved me from!

The overwhelming gratitude that started my morning affected my entire day. It gave me a new appreciation of the enormous benefits of a grateful spirit. When we're deliberately and specifically thanking God we can't help but feel connected to Him. I felt like I was offering up whispers of thanksgiving all day long. As I stepped on the employee bus, I noticed a pitiful girl sitting across from me that had a very, very small amount of hair, and I whispered up a thanks for my own hair. Thinking back, a loving, thoughtful Christian would have asked God to give her an adequate amount, yet I didn't offer up a single syllable of prayer for that poor girl (which just goes to show you what a self-centered little piece of work I really am).

What a gift it is to have eyes that see God's hand working in us, around us and for us! My friend Tammy has always had a unique gift to see God's hand in every situation. Thankfully, it has been a contagious gift, because I know I have grown in my own awareness of His Presence through her. It's taken almost thirty years, but finally some of her habitual gratitude is rubbing off on me! May we all learn to "be joyful always, to pray continually and to give thanks in all circumstances." (Col. 3:15)

By the way, if you do pay us a visit, you might want to park in the street.

1 comment:

Capri K @ No Whining Allowed said...

Thanks for the heads up!

I just read something that said gratitude is a choice, and once you start LOOKING for things to be thankful for, you will never stop FINDING things to be thankful for!

I like that.