Bob pleaded with me to not have Brett. He argued that it was the very last thing we needed. He wouldn't have welcomed the idea of a healthy baby much less one with "issues". At the time he didn't see Brett as a person, but as an obstacle. An obstacle to our new found freedom. Our kids had reached the age of self-sufficiency. We were now free to travel, to go out on dates, to sleep in, to spend our time however we chose to spend it. "It" would be an obstacle to all of this and much more. It was an obstacle that was removable. A removal that many thought reasonable.
I was unwavering in my conviction that God had allowed this pregnancy to evolve despite the unbelievable odds to the contrary. I feared hearing "you're the one that insisted on having him..." But God had another plan. Bob has never had trouble sleeping. He falls asleep immediately and sleeps as soundly as the dead. So it was highly unusual for him to be awakened in the middle of the night with a Bible verse reverberating through his mind...Proverbs 6:17, Proverbs 6:17. He wasn't familiar with the passage, but it started bothering him so much he decided to get up and look it up. The words leaped out at him: "God hates the shedding of innocent blood."
He was shaken by the words he read that night, moved to tears, in fact. From that moment on he was convinced that God meant for us to have Brett and that we were meant to face it together. I am thankful God intervened so dramatically to change Bob's heart and mind about Brett. I am thankful for God's faithfulness and His continuous supply of grace to handle each new challenge.
Sometimes I think the word "grace" gets bandied about too easily. I read an acrostic once that I liked and it has stuck with me: God's Riches At Christ's Expense. And what an expense that was! Part of God's riches include the strength to handle the really tough stuff that comes our way but I don't believe we're given that grace until we need it. Oddly enough, I had always feared having a severely impaired child, sure that it was something I could not handle. However, God has promised that His grace will be sufficient, that His power is made perfect in our weakness (2 Cor. 12:9).
Laurie, its Michael gooch,from knoxville tennessee, Davids dad you know. I just finished a really heart felt phone conversation with bob and he was the one who told me about your blog,NICE. I remembered your story from david coes home in dc, a remarkable one for sure, and even recalled the proverbs verses as well. I will enjoy keeping up with young Brad and your family. I will also pray for you, as the Lord reminds me of you all, honestly i have not prayed for you yet, but i promise to begin, Lotsa love Michael and Peggy
What on earth do people do without that grace? Every day.
You are a treasure.
Thanks for reminding me of this sweet story. So often God's ways are not our ways. I read recently that HIs thoughts are not even like our thoughts. Yet He is Sovereign and Good, and He has a plan. How cool that his plan can even be waking Bob up with a verse.
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