Today is my precious husband's 50th birthday. Admittedly, there have been days when I thought he was the furthest thing from precious as I'm sure there have been days when he must of thought I came straight from the bowels of hell (sadly, I'm sure there are still days like that). We've been married 26 years. It's been quite a roller coaster ride, with plenty of exhilarating high points and more than our share of scary low points. However, we did stay on the ride, sometimes holding on for dear life. I'm thankful to say the ride is getting more enjoyable all the time. I'm almost afraid to admit that, lest a terrifying dip is right around the corner. As the years go by, the words to Barry White's "You're My First, My Last...My Everything" have become increasingly appropriate.
As most of you know, our 8 yr. old son Brett is blind and will never walk or talk. He is completely incapable of doing anything on his own. Bob and I both believe that God is good, and we both believe with all our hearts that in ways we don't yet fully understand that God is bringing about more good by allowing Brett to be the way he is than if he were perfect. We know that we will enjoy our sweet son forever, in all his perfection, in Heaven and "can only imagine" how someday he will dance for Jesus.
But even now, Brett's life has brought good things. If not for Brett I wouldn't have known how utterly self-less Bob can be. Bob does everything he can to make my life with Brett as easy as possible. He adores him...patiently feeding him, bathing him, loving on him...all without any response from Brett. If not for Brett we wouldn't have known the loving goodness of friends and family or experienced their generous offers of help and faithful prayers.
We were driving around with Brett not long ago and Bob turned to me and asked, "Isn't great that we never have to worry about Brett?"
I wasn't sure how to respond, thinking to myself that, on the contrary, we're going to have to worry about Brett for the rest of our lives.
But Bob went on to say, "...we never have to worry about him making bad choices, or worry about people hurting his feelings...we just get to love him and take care of him."
That's how Bob thinks, we get to love and take care of Brett. That's the selfless man my Bob has become and I was thrilled to be able to honor him with a 50th birthday party. As was evidenced by all the "fans" that came to his party, Bob is a very loved and admired man and I am thankful to be his wife and am overwhelmed with gratitude for the fabulous father he is to our three children.
I had the following short video made for him. The songs I chose are especially meaningful to us. I would love for you to watch it.